Release the University of Yamanashi Student Song “Asuno Tsubasa Hiroge” / 教育学部音乐系的毕业生志愿者们合唱威尼斯人官网_澳门现金赌场【官网平台】学生歌《明日之翼》的公布

06/16/2020 English

 The University of Yamanashi’s student song “Asuno Tsubasa Hiroge” (Spreading Wings of Tomorrow) sung by graduates of the music course in the Faculty of Education has been released.
 This remote chorus was performed by 38 graduate volunteers who were impressed by the previously released song (https://www., which was a remote chorus of student song by current students of same course. It was created as a tribute to the efforts and encouragement for younger students who are working hard in their studies under difficult circumstances.
 Please take a look.


The University of Yamanashi Student Song “Asuno Tsubasa Hiroge”
Lyricist: Iwasaki Iwao,
Composer: Fujiwara Yoshifumi,
Performance: 38 graduates of the Arts and Physical Education Course, Faculty of Education
(Formerly known as the Music Education and Arts Management Course, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences)
 This video is supported by the University of Yamanashi’s Emergency Fund for COVID-19. We are looking forward to your support.

作词:岩崎 严???? 作曲:藤原 嘉文
演奏:教育学部 艺术身体教育课程 毕业生志愿者38名
????? (原教育人类科学部 音乐教育专业?艺术运营课程)