The Prevention of Fraudulent Research

The Prevention of Fraudulent Research

Fraud Prevention Related to Research

? Based on the “Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research” (decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on August 26, 2014), and the “Guidelines for the Management and Audit of Public Research Funds at Research Institutions,” (decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), February 15, 2007 (revised on February 18, 2014), we are making the following efforts to prevent misconduct in research at the University of Yamanashi.

Basic Policy/Codes of Conduct ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? The University has stipulated “Basic Policy Regarding Research at the University of Yamanashi” and “Codes of Conduct Regarding Research at the University of Yamanashi”.
Faculty members and staff must conform to these policies and codes of conduct in good faith in order to earn the trust of society.

Compliance Standards for Ethical Research

Chief executive officer President
General manager Executive Director for Planning, Scholarly Research, Evaluation, Social Collaboration and Internal Control
Director of Promotion of Fair Research
(Person in charge of compliance promotion)
Dean, Faculty of Education
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
Director, University Library
Director, University Hospital
Director, Clean Energy Research Center
Director, Center for Instrumental Analysis
Director, Center for Life Science Research
Director, Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center
Director, Advanced Biotechnology Center
Director, Center for Future Community Planning
Director, Health Care Center
Director, Organization for the Promotion of Research and Social Collaboration
Director, Organization for Information Management
Director, Organization for Promotion of International Education
Director, Student Support Center
Director, Graduate School Educational Management Office
Director, Gender Equality Office
Director, Financial Management Department
? ? ? ? Director of Promotion of ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? Fair Research ? ? ? ? Deputy Head of Fair Research Promotion
Dean, Faculty of Education Head, Faculty of Education Support Division
Dean, Faculty of Medicine Head, General Affairs Division
Head, Hospital Administrative Division
Director, University Hospital
Director, Center for Life Science Research
Dean, Faculty of Engineering Head, Faculty of Engineering Support Division
Director, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Department of Mechatronics
Director, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Director, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Director, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director, Department of Applied Chemistry
Director, Department of Science for Advanced Materials
Director, Center for Liberal Arts
Director, Center for Creative Technology
Director, The Center for Crystal Science and Technology
Director, Center for International Education and Exchange
Dean, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences Head, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences Support Division

Help Desk

Scientific research grants/external funds

  Kofu Campus Medical Campus
Help Desk Research Promotion Division General Affairs Division
Address 4-4-37, Takeda, Kofu-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 400-8510 1110, Shimokato, Chuo-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 409-3898
Phone +81(0)55-220-8007 +81(0)55-273-6724
Fax +81(0)55-220-8757 +81(0)55-273-7108

About other public funds ?

  Kofu Campus Medical Campus
Help Desk Financial Management Division Hospital Administrative Division
Address 4-4-37, Takeda, Kofu-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 400-8510 1110, Shimokato, Chuo-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 409-3898
Phone +81(0)55-220-8385 +81(0)55-273-1111
Fax +81(0)55-220-8774 +81(0)55-273-6750

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
※For medical schools/affiliated hospitals, please contact the “Medical School Campus Office Help Desk” and for other matters, contact the “Kofu Campus Office Help Desk”. Reception hours by phone are from 8:30 to 17:15 from Monday to Friday.

Report Desk

A desk for reporting misconduct ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  Kofu Campus Medical Campus
Report Desk Head, General Affairs Division Head, General Affairs Division
Address 4-4-37, Takeda, Kofu-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 400-8510 1110, Shimokato, Chuo-city, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN 409-3898
Phone +81(0)55-220-8002 +81(0)55-273-6738
FAX +81(0)55-220-8799 +81(0)55-273-7108

※For medical schools/affiliated hospitals, please contact the “Medical School Campus Office Report Desk” and for other matters, contact the “Kofu Campus Office Report Desk”. Reception hours by phone are from 8:30 to 17:15 from Monday to Friday.

Fraud Prevention Plan?

? Up to now, we have formulated and implemented a fraud prevention plan for each department, but more recently we have significantly clarified our fraud prevention plan by consolidating our approach throughout the University.